Provincial Partners
NB Physical Literacy
As a not-for-profit organization, NB Physical Literacy strives to lead, educate, and advocate for physical literacy in NB. We work with our partners to ensure quality programming offered to all children involved in physical activity programs, sports, etc. We believe that a quality physical literacy experience leads to children who grow up to live healthy, active lives. To learn more about NB Physical Literacy go to their website here.
Recreation NB
Recreation New Brunswick is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to building healthy and vibrant communities by developing and promoting recreation and parks. We believe this field includes everything from play and sport to arts, culture and outdoor pursuits. All are essential for creating positive and supportive environments that foster healthy and happy citizens. To learn more about Recreation NB go to their website here.
Sport NB
Sport NB plays a key role in leading the way through promoting physical activity and supporting excellence in sport. We are the Provincial/Territorial Delivery Partner (PTCR) of the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) where we are responsible for delivering but are not limited to Multi-Sport NCCP products. In addition, we celebrate and promote the significant role that Coaches play within the NB sport system by offering various Professional Development (PD) workshops, funding opportunities, apprenticeship/mentoring experiences, and more! To learn more about Sport NB go to their website site here.