Our Partners
Recreation NB | Loisirs N.-B
Recreation New Brunswick is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to building healthy and vibrant communities by developing and promoting recreation and parks. We believe this field includes everything from play and sport to arts, culture and outdoor pursuits. All are essential for creating positive and supportive environments that foster healthy and happy citizens.
To learn more about Recreation NB go to their website here.

Fitness New Brunswick
FNB is a not-for-profit, volunteer driven organization dedicated to the development and promotion of fitness and active living in New Brunswick. It is a membership based organization that consists of over 300 certified fitness professionals. Fitness New Brunswick is often mistaken for a government agency which is not the case. We are an independent organization funded by the Provincial Government.
To learn more about Fitness NB go to their website here.

Sport New Brunswick
As a not-for-profit organization, NB Physical Literacy strives to lead, educate, and advocate for physical literacy in NB. We work with our partners to ensure quality programming offered to all children involved in physical activity programs, sports, etc. We believe that a quality physical literacy experience leads to children who grow up to live healthy, active lives.
To learn more about Sport NB go to their website here.
Government of New Brunswick
To learn more about the New Brunswick Government go to their website here.

Coach New Brunswick
Coach New Brunswick (NB) leads, promotes, supports, and delivers Coach education and ongoing learning through collaborative partnerships in all stages of life.
To learn more about Coach NB go to their website here.

Fredericton District Soccer Association
FDSA is a youth soccer club offering programming from micro to U18 in both recreational and competitive formats. FDSA offers year-round soccer for most ages.
To learn more about the Fredericton District Soccer Association go to their website here.
University of New Brunswick
Founded in 1785, UNB offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in more than 60 disciplines and continuing education in a variety of fields.