With a Simple Recipe Called Physical Literacy, You Can Get Your Kids to Spend More Time Moving

Richard Monette dives into the concept that the time for developing physical literacy in children is now. There is no denying that individuals, both young and old, have to move to be healthy. This fact is widely accepted and undeniable. As a result, there is growing concern that today’s children will grow up in a world that encourages sedentary behavior. Richard Monette describes these moments as reinforcing sedentary behaviors. Richard Monette lists scenarios such that parents handing their iPad to their two-year-olds to occupy them. That when the ground is wet, daycares keep children inside. He also touches on the subject that some schools ban play at recess due to liability concerns and that teens increasing use of technology expose them to hundreds of instant rewards. All of this contributes to children developing inactive, sedentary habits that are hard to break.

As a society, our challenge is to get children moving again. We need to offset these scenarios that Richard Monette covers relating to inactivity and increase scenarios that promote physical activity. Richard Monette highlights that physical literacy is the perfect recipe to achieve the goal of increasing physical activity levels in children.

Consider a world in which children choose to move because they have learned to enjoy being physically active. Consider the chance that these children will choose to remain active throughout their adolescence and into adulthood. Imagine them raising a generation of active, healthy kids.

Take a look at this article to learn more about how physical literacy is the perfect recipe to achieve the goal of increasing physical activity in children.

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